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Heartfelt stories from students.

"My goal is to continue studying. Thanks for the opportunity you give me. My family is very grateful to you, especially me because you are giving me an opportunity to move forward and when I graduate I want to support a lot of people in Chel because there are many who need help. Many blessings to each one of you."


Maria, age 14,  First Girl Scholar

Chel, Quiche, Guatemala

Our scholars



 AMACHAJUL Education Center Scholarships  Skills training for students with no resources are supported by AMACHAJUL.

Programs offered are vocational skills training based on community need and potential employment. Examples include    Professional Seamstress Certificate program for young women, Leadership development, Women's and Men's health Education and  Life skills enrichment,  tutoring,   and a place to do homework that has electricity, computers, internet and desks.


 Basico Scholarships to  students who have no resources and need to live at home to help support their families.


Soccer Scholarships  to boys and girls  who have no resources


First Girl Scholars

AMACHAJUL  First Girls are courageous girls age 13 to 16 who are the first in their families and/or communities to leave their remote mountainous home to attend a boarding school to continue their education beyond 6th grade (Basico).Scholarships  provide  the tuition, books, supplies, clothing, travel, tutoring and support systems needed for success.


Pedro Roberto (18)

When I was a child my father abandoned us because my mom was working too much taking care of her businesses so he thought she loved another man, so in 2006 I was left without a father.

In 2010 my mom gave the opportunity to study. Now I continue studying thanks to the support of my mother and Amachajul. I do not receive anything from my father but I thank God and my mom because she is working so hard. I will continue studying while I have a chance.


"Cuando era niño mi papá me abandonó con mi mamá porque mi mamá tenía sus negocios y mi papa pensaba que mi mamá amaba a otro hombre, el año 2006 me quede sin padre.

En el año 2010 mi mamá me dio la oportunidad de  estudiar y desde ahora estoy estudiando con el apoyo de mi mamá y a Amachajul yo no recibo el apoyo de mi papa,  agradezco tanto a Dios y a mi mama porque ella se está esforzando, seguiré estudiando mientras que tengo oportunidad "

Catarina Cheila

I had the opportunity to study elementary school at the OUM Jornada Matutina in the year 2009-2016,  I continued studying in the basic thanks to God and my parents who gave me the opportunity, being a farmer and a housewife they have to work really hard. I want to support them after reaching my studies so they dont suffer more. I am very grateful to the Maya Chajulense association for the great support they give me to continue studying to have a good future. I will fight my best to achieve a better future.


"Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar la primaria en la escuela  O.U.M Jornada Matutina en el año 2009-2016, seguí estudiando en el básico  gracias a Dios y mis padres que me dieron la oportunidad,  siendo agricultor y ama de casa y se esfuerzan, yo quiero apoyarlos después de alcanzar mis estudios para que ellos no puedan sufrir más. Estoy muy agradecido a la asociación Maya Chajulense por el gran apoyo que me dan para seguir y tener un buen futuro. Lucharé lo máximo para lograr un mejor futuro."

Domingo Pacheco

I had the opportunity to study my elementary school at O.U.M afternoon school but my parents could not give the follow up, therefore I rested for two years. My mom is a housewife and my dad is a farmer, he receives thirty-five quetzals ($5.00) a day, wich is not enough and he has to work harder so that i can continue studying. I am studying in the Night Institute, so that I can work in the morning and support my parents a little bit.I am very grateful to amachajul, the association that supports me to achieve my goals.


"Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar mi primaria  en la escuela O.U.M Jornada vespertina.

Y  mis padres ya no podía darme el seguimiento de mis estudios y descanse dos años porque mi papá es agricultor y mi mama es ama de casa, mi papa recibe treinta y cinco quetzales al día, no alcanza, para que yo pueda seguir, mis padre tuvieron que esforzarse más  para  que yo pueda seguir estudiando,  desde en ese entonces estoy estudiando en el Instituto Nocturna, para que yo pueda trabajar en la mañana y apoyar un poquito a mis padres. Etoy muy agradecido a amachajul que es la asociación que me apoya para lograr mis objetivos trazados."

Magdalen Brigida

I had the opportunity to study my elementary school at E.O U.M morning school. I was a responsible girl and did all my homework because my mom took care of me, but time got hard when she got sick. My mom did not get cured and died when I was 12 years old. I have two older brothers and three younger sisters and I had to make an effort to support my little sisters. Thanks to God and my dad I have the opportunity to continue studying.

I am studying my basic at the Nocturnal Institute with the support of the Maya Chajulense Association. With the time that has passed since my mom died I have become used to taking care of my little sisters and they are learning to take care of themselves, that's why I will continue studying until I achieve what I want for myself and for my family.


"Tuve la oportunidad de estudiar  mi primaria  en la escuela E.O U.M jornada  matutina yo era una niña responsable de entregar mis tareas porque mi mama me mantenía, pero tuve un día más pesado porque mi mama se enfermó ya no se curó mi mama se murió y me quede con mi papa a los 12 años tengo dos hermanos  mayor y tres hermanas menor, tuve que esforzarme para que yo pueda mantener a mi familia mis hermanitas, gracias a Dios  y a mi papa me da la oportunidad de seguir estudiando y estoy estudiando mi básico en el Instituto Nocturno con el apoyo de la Asociación Maya Chajulense conforme el tiempo de que mi mama no está me acostumbre de cuidar a mis hermanitas y  ellas van aprendiendo de cuidarse a sí misma, por eso seguí estudiando hasta logras lo que yo quiero para mí y para mi familia."

Catarina Ofelia

I was a youg girl who wanted to study, so my parents gave the opportunity to study elementary school  in the E.O.U.MA morning sessions in Xabal school. With time I finish elementary school and started basic level in the nocturnal institute. I have all the love and support from my parents but I am worried about the future because they receive a very low income that might not satisfy our needs as my brothers grow older. I am going to fight to help my parents, I know I have years left to reach my goals but for now I will keep helping my mom in the morning and studying in the afternoon


"Yo era una niña que le gustaba estudiar y mis padres me dieron la oportunidad de estudiar mi primaria en la E.O.U.MA Jornada matutina en la escuela xabal tengo el apoyo de mis padres, conforme el tiempo logre terminar mi primaria y entre en el nivel básico del Instituto Nocturno tengo todo el cariño de mis padres, lo que me preocupa es el futuro porque mis padres reciben un ingreso bajo que no puede alcanzar de satisfaces las necesidades porque mis hermanos están creciendo, pero voy a luchar  para ayuda a mis padres, me quedan años para obtener mis metas trazadas pero  tan siquiera  voy a ayudar a mi mama en la mañana y en la tarde voy al Instituto."


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