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Asociación Maya Chajulense.(AMACHAJUL)

AMACHAJUL is a Maya Ixil  Guatemalan non-profit located in Chajul, Guatemala. The Ixil region is a post conflict community that  suffered ethic cleansing during the 36 years of armed internal conflict. The schools were closed for 36 years,  Today there is deep poverty and little opportunity for women and girls to break out of the cycle.


The leadership team of AMACHAJUL has worked for 10 years to identify and support local Maya Ixil Leaders-of- Potential to create change that they design and realize. Current programs  focus  on entrepreneurship skills and leadership to create products that support the empowerment of women and girls.


     *  AMACHAJUL Community Education Center hosts vocational skills training programs, leadership development,  bilingual intergenerational preschool, community education workshops.         


     *  Maya Girl Enterprise: Gold Standard Days for Girls International Certification for the production of feminine hygiene products and health education for women and men in both Spanish and Maya Ixil.                


     * Scholarships for  boys and girls with no resources to pay for an education.


    *  Agriculture that meets the challenges of climate change and hunger.


    *  Tourism promotion to share our Ixil culture and stimulate economic development.


     * Collaborations with other non-profits, agencies and private business to stimulate economic development.


     *  Preserve and live the Maya Ixil identity of culture and language.



Meet The Leadership Team


Juan Camilo Ramírez 





Professional Seamstress  Certification



Tourism  Team



Maya Girl Enterprise


Manuel Laynez Anay



Director Youth Leadership programs


Juana Angelica Laynez 

General Manager


Colegio AMACHAJUL Director


Maya Girl Enterprise Manager


Mateo Canay Asicona

Finance Director


Director Entrepreneur Financial Education

Collaborating Team

Ak' Tenamit is an indigenous community development organization that promotes long-term solutions to poverty through education, health, income generation and cultural programs.


Ak 'Tenamit es una organización de desarrollo comunitario indígena que promueve soluciones a largo plazo a la pobreza a través de educación, salud, generación de ingresos y programas culturales.

Connecting offline learners to the world's knowledge through RACHEL, the digital library that stores educational websites and makes that content available over any local (offline) wireless connection.


Conectando estudiantes sin conexión a internet con el conocimiento mundial a través de RACHEL, la biblioteca digital que almacena sitios web educativos y hace que ese contenido esté disponible fuera de línea.

World Possible's chapter in Guatemala contributing to the improvement of the quality of education through access to technology and teacher training.


El capítulo de World Possible en Guatemala contribuye al mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación a través del acceso a la tecnología y la capacitación docente.

The Maya Education Foundation supports programs dedicated to the education and professional advancement of the Maya people


La Fundación de Educación Maya apoya programas dedicados a la educación y el progreso profesional de los mayas.

Mundo Exchange

Mundo Exchange is transforming the lives of children, families, and communities by tackling poverty and providing opportunities for equality 


 Mundo Exchange está transformando la vida de los niños, las familias y las comunidades al abordar la pobreza y brindar oportunidades para la igualdad.  

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Working together for a brighter future in Chajul Guatemala

AMACHAJUL works with:  Maya Ixil parents and students, Maya Ixil community leaders, Maya spiritual guides and churches, The Academia de Lenguas Maya with Manuel Laynez the elected Vice President of the Maya Ixil Language group ,professionals, foundations, authors, mentors, advisors and the Maya Ixil people to bring a brighter future to Chajul Guatemala.




Bright Star Philanthropy Partners (BSPP) is a shared value community development initiative of Bright Star Grant Consultants. BSPP identifies and supports Central American indigenous leaders to realize solutions that they design and execute with BSPP collaborations, technical assistance, and grants. BSPP ignites peer grant maker, non-profit, and corporate actors to create shared value solutions in collective impact poverty alleviation. 




Juana Angelica Laynez


USA: Janet Bourque


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